Teaching Children to Discern a Vocation, Communion Kneeling, Evangelizing Through Beauty and More!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

From The 1400s • Communion Kneeling by Jeff Ostrowski of Views from the Choir Loft - BigPulpit.com

Teaching Our Children To Discern a Vocation - Jeannie Ewing, Catholic Exchange

Last Things on Synod 2014, Looking Ahead to Synod 2015 - BigPulpit.com

Evangelizing Through Beauty – Father Robert Barron, ChurchPOP

Why the Devil Hates the Blessed Virgin So Much - Sam Guzman, The Catholic Gentleman

How the Church’s Teaching on Contraception Led These Evangelicals to Convert - Anamaria Scaperlanda Biddick, OSV Newsweekly

My Favorite Children’s Picture Books – Maura Roan McKeegan, The Civilized Reader

Heaven and Earth: Pope Francis and The Doctrine of the Environment - John Clark, Seton Magazine

The Inner Prayer Life of Jesus – David Torkington

Catholic Books of the Bible Resources for Kids: Song, Free Printables and More! – Lucy, Catholic Icing

Becoming a Culture of Life – Nicole, Children of The Church

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