Did You Know?

The number of abortions performed in the United States since 1973 is staggering. Consider the following three facts, provided by the November/December bulletin of Priests for Life:

• 43% of women will have had at least one abortion by the age of 45, according to the Web site of the Alan Guttmacher Institute.

• The National Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., stretches 492 feet and lists the names of the 58,022 known Americans killed in that war. If such a wall listed the names of the children killed by abortion since 1973, the wall would be about 60 miles long.

• The casualties of all wars involving the U.S. put together are fewer than the casualties from abortion in a single year.

Miniature from a 13th-century Passio Sancti Georgii (Verona).

St. George: A Saint to Slay Today’s Dragons

COMMENTARY: Even though we don’t know what the historical George was really like, what we are left with nevertheless teaches us that divine grace can make us saints and that heroes are very much not dead or a thing of history.