Excellent Editorial and Papal Guidance

Letters 11.19.23

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions.
Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (photo: NCRegister.com)

Inspiring Read

Regarding Editor-in-Chief Shannon Mullen’s editorial “A True Shepherd” (Opinion, Oct. 22 issue): It was joyful and inspiring to read your editorial. You have reflected my exact sentiments regarding Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. I am a member of the Archdiocese of San Francisco and reside in the jurisdiction of the late senator. I have correspondence from both Archbishop Cordileone and Sen. Feinstein that reflects their deep respect for humanity and each other, even when differing on topics such as pro-life. I am very active in the defense of life and consequently had contacted both of them with my concerns. Thank you for your salute to two very respected and admired individuals. It is an excellent editorial!

 Marilyn V. Zeman

 San Jose, California

Pastoral Guidance

Thank you for “Pope Francis Responds to the Dubia Presented to Him by 5 Cardinals” (Vatican, Oct. 22 issue). The questions reflect a proper concern for prevalent misconceptions about the nature of marriage, the purpose and meaning and value of the synod, ordination of women, the essence and granting of forgiveness, and the understanding of divine Revelation. It is unfortunate, and perhaps revealing, that the questions were submitted with expectations of a “Yes or No” answer. It reminds me of the many times the apostles, who so often simply did not understand Jesus, asked him questions that he answered with a parable to give a deeper teaching. Pope Francis responded promptly with salient historical references and a context for each question to provide a full and rich answer as well as pastoral guidance.

 Douglas W. Price

 Albuquerque, New Mexico