Notes & Quotes
Rebuilding Lives in East Timor
RELIGION TODAY, Dec. 8—Church workers are rebuilding lives in East Timor, Religion Today's online news daily, reported.
Churches are assisting as refugees return to their homes after being forced to flee to the other side of the island by pro-Indonesian paramilitaries, the internet news service said.
Divine Word missionaries are helping 6,000 refugees in Atambua Diocese by providing food and health care, holding catechism classes and celebrating Mass. The Franciscans also are working among the refugees, Religion Today reported.
Church in Spain Ready to Meet ETA
SPANISH RADIO, Dec. 8—Bishop Juan José Asenjo, secretary general of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, said the Church is ready to mediate between the government and the Basque separatist group known by the Basque acronym ETA, which recently declared an end to a truce.
Bishop Asenjo told the radio network that no one has asked the Church to mediate between the government and the terrorist band. “I was asked if the Church would be ready to mediate following the rupture of the truce by ETA and I answered that any institution, if requested, would mediate.”
The bishop said that terrorism and unemployment are the “two worries” of Spaniards.
Elizabeth II Plans to Visit John Paul II
THE TIMES, Dec. 8—The Times of London reported that the Queen Elizabeth II will make a state visit to Italy next October, during which she will meet Pope John Paul II at the Vatican.
This will be the third visit by the Queen, who is also supreme governor of the Church of England, to the Holy See. She will be accompanied by her husband, Prince Philip.
- Keywords:
- December 19-25, 1999