Gender Ideology Is ‘Imposing a New Cultural Norm’

‘The Transgender Movement: What Catholics Need to Know’ airs Oct. 24-28 on EWTN.

Mary Hasson and Ryan Anderson talk together in Episode 1.
Mary Hasson and Ryan Anderson talk together in Episode 1. (photo: EWTN)

EWTN’s new miniseries, The Transgender Movement: What Catholics Need to Know, airs Monday through Friday, Oct. 24-28, at 5:30pm Eastern.

Host Mary Hasson is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and co-founder of the center’s Person and Identity Project. “I’m tremendously grateful to EWTN for making this possible because this information is so needed; people are hungry for guidance on where they can go and how to help their families,” said Hasson in a press release.

Episode 1 features Ryan Anderson, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the author of When Harry Became Sally.

Explaining gender identity, Anderson says that it is “the concept that the body does not determine one’s identity and that your identity with respect to gender is somehow determined by something else.” Anderson added that “the … contemporary version is that gender is a spectrum … you could identify as gender fluid, gender ambidextrous, so it’s no longer just the ‘trans’ gender, which suggests we’re retaining the binary that you identify as the other sex. … Now, we’re doing away with … male and female.”

Anderson went on to discusses recent TV shows, school curricula and the rise of “preferred pronouns” as a way to explain, in part, how the transgender movement impacts the culture.

“What happened? How did this happen so fast?” Hasson remarks, referring to a question many people she encounters posit about this movement.

Anderson replies that he foresaw this development during the “marriage-equality” discussion as part of the “LGBT” movement and how they “pivoted to the ‘T’” after same-sex civil marriage was secured.

“The seeds were sown in the wake of Obergefell,” Hasson agreed.

Hasson and Anderson proceed to discuss the targeting of youth, including with gender-transition hormones and surgeries — and the safety and privacy dangers to women in such places as hospitals and prisons as well as in sports, in the wake of the movement’s agenda.

“This is about imposing a new cultural norm, a new public orthodoxy,” Anderson states, adding that it is focused on changing “understandings of the human person,” which plays out culturally and legally.

“It really is about imposing a false anthropology, a vision of who we are, and coercing everyone to go along, to buy into it,” Hasson underscores near the end of her conversation with Anderson.

In the ending segment, Hasson discusses the need to approach these issues with Christian charity, while “speaking the truth in love,” referring to what popes have said on the issue.

Christian anthropology reflects the truth about the human person, she underlines, noting that God created human beings male and female. “Our God is the God of truth and love.”

Other episodes focus on Church, medical and parental responses, including from plastic surgeon Deacon Patrick Lappert; Theresa Farnan, of the Person and Identity Project; Maria Keffler, co-founder of Advocates Protecting Children; and Father Philip Bochanski, executive director of Courage International.

Farnan, who is Hasson’s sister, discusses the related anthological aspects, formed by Church and papal teaching, of the topic in the third episode.

“The Church has really clear teaching on this issue,” she states, referencing the Catechism, which was published in 1992, and, among other passages, “Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity” (2333).

“Sexual identity,” Farnan explains, “conveys that you as a person are an embodied human being, body and soul, but created either male or female. And so your biological sex … is integral to who you are.”