Month Web Picks

All of us have people in our lives for whom we would like to have Masses offered, whether they're living or deceased. Let's look at some online sites that offer this service or contain information about it.

A good place to start is the Carmel Mission of St. Charles Borromeo, which offers information explaining Mass intentions and stipends at carmelmission. org/massintention.htm and a short article by Father Paul Turner at

The Society of the Divine Word takes Mass intentions at and asks for an offering of $15 per Mass.

You can request Mass cards and pick them out online through the Capuchins at MassIntent/MassIntent.htm. Mass-intention requests are sent to their missionaries throughout the world. An offering of $5 per Mass is requested.

The Augustinians of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova offer Mass Cards online that will be sent to you to fill out and send to the recipient for a $5 offering at

Many more sites with Mass offerings can be found under the Religious Men category at