Could Pope Francis Visit Ukraine? Here’s What His Representative in Kyiv Said

Apostolic nuncio on war: The Blessed Virgin Mary ‘is the one able to face these Satanic deeds.’

Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas speaks with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN on March 17.
Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas speaks with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN on March 17. (photo: EWTN)

While it is logistically feasible for Pope Francis to travel to Kyiv, as the city’s mayor has invited him to do, the danger associated with holding any gatherings with him once he got there makes such a visit unlikely, according to the Vatican’s apostolic nuncio to Ukraine, Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas.

“Yesterday, three prime ministers arrived to Kyiv — the prime ministers of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia. So, logistically speaking, yes, it is possible to come to Kyiv,” Archbishop Kulbokas, the Pope’s representative in Ukraine, told Raymond Arroyo, host of EWTN’s The World Over, on March 17.

“I know that Pope Francis wants to do all that is possible for him in order to contribute for peace, so I know for sure that he is evaluating, he is thinking about all the possibilities,” he added.

However, Archbishop Kulbokas explained, the hope is that a papal visit could involve more than simply a discussion, as can happen readily enough through conventional or online means. Catholics and Church leaders would want to pray with him, as would members of the Orthodox Church and other faiths.

While it is certainly something to hope for, he said, the situation is “too dangerous in Kyiv.”

Unable to Leave Nunciature

Archbishop Kulbokas, 47, who is from Lithuania, is currently bunkering in the nunciature in a residential area of the Ukraine capital.

He told Arroyo that because of the danger of missiles, the upper levels of the building cannot be used. Authorities have asked residents to reduce their movements to only essential ones, he said.

Sleep, prayer and the celebration of Mass are all held in the same rooms with no windows, he said, adding that the situation is “dramatic.” The government has ordered some of the local shops to stay open, he said, in order that food and other necessities may be available to the people. He said that he has assistants who make the trip to the shops to buy food and other supplies.

Kulbokas also revealed to Arroyo that he has not left his residence for 21 days, because of the frequent attacks on the city. You can watch the full interview in the video below.

Papal Almoner: ‘I Will Try to Get Them Out’

In the interview, Archbishop Kulbokas spoke about the solidarity he feels with the Pope and the wider Church during this ordeal.

He shared a conversation he had with Polish Cardinal Konrad Krajewski about the difficulties authorities were having evacuating children from an orphanage in the city, Archbishop Kulbokas said. Such an undertaking is extremely complicated and risky because of ongoing Russian missile and artillery attacks and the damage that these have done to the city’s infrastructure.

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski and Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk greet children in Lviv, Ukraine. Screenshot from YouTube channel.

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski and Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk greet children in Lviv, Ukraine. | Screenshot from YouTube channel

Moved by the dire predicament, Cardinal Krajewski pledged to take action himself, if necessary.

“Look, Visvalda, if you will see that the situation remains as difficult as it is now for some more hours, then I will come. I will take a car, and I will try. I will try to get them out,” the nuncio said the Polish prelate told him. “Even under bombing. Even under shelling. If I die, I die. But at least I will try.” 

The exchange made an enormous impression on the nuncio.

Even though he was speaking with a special envoy of Pope Francis, not the Pope himself, “I felt his presence,” Archbishop Kulbokas said.

“He was some 500 or 600 kilometers {some 310 miles] away from Kyiv, but I was feeling his presence so strongly that it [gave me] courage also.”

Cardinal Krajewski, who is in charge of the Pope’s charitable efforts as papal almoner, will play a prominent role in Pope Francis’ upcoming consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25.

That day, while the Pope leads the act of consecration at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican, Cardinal Krajewski will do the same in Fatima, Portugal, where the Blessed Virgin Mary first requested Russia’s consecration during her appearances to three children in 1917.

Consecrating Ukraine and Russia to Mary

Asked for his thoughts on the consecration, Archbishop Kulbokas told Arroyo that the war does not just have political and military aspects, but spiritual ones, as well. 

The nuncio said he believes that “God wants to tell us something” by allowing this war to occur.

The Blessed Virgin Mary “is the one able to face these Satanic deeds,” he said.

Archbishop Kulbokas added that it is not enough for the Pope to consecrate Russia and Ukraine; the archbishop said “all the believers” should join him in consecrating themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

An apartment building stands damaged after a Russian attack in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv.

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