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Now more than ever, it is critical that you are informed and involved in the issues affecting our Church, our world, our nation and our families. The National Catholic Register is America’s most complete and faithful Catholic news source.  Get in-depth analysis explaining what happened, why it matters, and what it means for Catholics who engage in the culture to serve Christ and promote the Gospel. The National Catholic Register is the one trusted source of news and views which peacefully answers society’s caustic rhetoric, helps you stay connected, and brings great hope in these troubled times.

Future issues of the National Catholic Register will also bring you:

  • The truth behind the news stories the mainstream press hides, ignores or outright distorts.
  • The facts that will equip you to face personal challenges and popular controversies.
  • Compelling, real-life accounts of pro-active Catholics, Saints and soon-to-be Saints.
  • Inspirational “Culture of Life” reports that promote the family and defend life.
  • An unmatched delivery of news coverage that reveals the true vitality of the Catholic Church.

