Innovations Which Vatican II Did Not Call For, but Which We Got Anyway, and Many More Great Links!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Innovations Which Vatican II Did Not Call For, but Which We Got Anyway - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, Fr. Z’s Blog

5 Common Misconceptions about Purgatory – Sara Spitt, epicPew

Coming to Know the Voice of God – Stephanie H. To, Catholic Stand

How Feminism Betrayed Childless Women – Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald

Perception and Pain – Jean Elizabeth Seah, Ignitum Today

Church Must Not Give Up Hard-Won Freedoms to Appease China – Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith Ph.D., Catholic Herald

The Faithful Departed – Kevin Aldrich, Catholic Stand

The Need for a Liturgical Conscience and Where to Get One (Part I of III) and (Part II of III) – Christopher Carstens, Catholic Spiritual Direction

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Now a Diocesan Shrine in Denver – Carmen Elena Villa, Catholic News Agency

University of Notre Dame’s Fr. John Jenkins: Obama Yes, Trump No – Donald R. McClarey J.D., The American Catholic

Doctors Warn Australian State Against Legalizing Euthanasia – Catholic News Agency

Attack on TV Couple Recalls a Chik-Fil-A Story of Solidarity – Steve Green, Crisis Magazine

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