Don't Feel Bad for My Sins, Can I Still be Forgiven; Fear and Natural Family Planning and More!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

I Don’t Really Feel Bad for My Sins, Can I Still be Forgiven? by Father Mike Schmitz of Aleteia∝ -

Inspiring Episcopal Leadership on the Eucharist – Father B. Jerabek JCL, Father Jerabek's Blog

The Future Depends Upon Parental Love – Kevin Aldrich, Catholic Stand

Priests Need a Better Defense Against False Accusations – Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture

Created for Good Works - Jason Theobald, Ignitum Today

Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting – Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report

Purity: The Key to a Healthy Nation? - Vicki Burbach, Catholic Spiritual Direction

Fear and Natural Family Planning – Tara Brelinsky, Catholic Lane

The Mysterious Virtue of Detachment – Kevin O’Brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave

Video: 60 Minutes on ISIS vs. Christians – Tom Hoopes, Catholic Vote

Silence on Three-Parent Embryos Is Deafening – Rebecca Taylor, Catholic Lane

Islam, Media Self-censorship, The New York Times and Beyond – George Conger, Get Religion

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