The Hispanic Vote

'No to Abortion'
'No to Abortion' (photo: CNS)

The Register’s Oct. 26 issue looks at “El Voto”—the Hispanic vote, and finds it solidly for Obama. The Catholic Thing, however, looks a little into the future and sees that vote ripe for change ...

George Marlin writes that surveys show most Hispanics:

•  Oppose abortion
•  Attend church
•  Believe that couples should marry if they intend to live together
•  Say that unwed parents should be legally wed
•  Hold that government should promote “personal responsibility” instead of “bureaucratic paternalism.”
•  View welfare as a temporary safety net, not a permanent way of life.

“These data explain why the most significant Bush gains in the 2004 presidential election were in the Hispanic communities,” Marlin writes.

•  In 1996, 21% of Hispanics voted for Bob Dole;
•  In 2000 34% voted for Bush
•  In 2004, 41% voted to re-elect the President.

Marlin quotes Dick Morris’ conclusion: “More Hispanics voted Republican for a variety of factors, including Bush’s efforts to cultivate them, his proposals to legalize guest workers, and his conservative position on social values, which was a special importance to religious Catholic Hispanics.”

Leslie Sanchez, president of the Impacto Group, a Republican communications research firm, agreed: “There is no doubt Hispanics share many of the values of the Republican Party.”

Stay tuned to see how that plays in November ...

— Tom Hoopes