Thanksgiving 2008 Top 10

Top 10 reasons to be thankful after the election …

10. Hollywood will make movies that treat America as great again …

9. Schools will show unqualified respect for the presidency, again. (Tell your kids to do their President’s Day report on W., just for fun.)

8. We no longer have to deal with people’s “Bush defense shields” every time we talk about our issues.

7.  If things don’t go well (and, ahem, have you seen the financial news lately?) it won’t be on the pro-life side’s watch.

6. The March for Life is going to be huge. And two days after the inauguration.

5. A man whose race was first brought to American en masse as slaves has risen to the highest office in the land.

4. There’s still a pro-life majority.

3. We can capitalize on our huge pro-marriage wins.

2. Our hope is in the one who created everything, and he’s pro-life, pro-marriage and still in control.

1. A lot more people will be inspired to pray ... and evangelize.

— Tom Hoopes