Wives in Charge

Women tend to call the shots regarding household finances, weekend activities, major purchases and TV choices.

Women rule the roost, and men aren’t putting up a fight over it. Asked by the Pew Research Center who has the final say in four key “power” areas — household finances, weekend activities, major purchases and TV choices — 43% of surveyed couples indicated that the woman calls the shots. Only 26% said the man is in charge of those things, while 31% reported that they share the decisions equally. This data adds a whole new wrinkle to what Pope John Paul II called “the feminine genius” — and may spark some lively discussions of Ephesians 5:22-33.

Maya Hawke as American writer Flannery O'Connor in the 2024 film "Wildcat."

Jessica Hooten Wilson on 'Wildcats' /Father Dave Pivonka on Title IX (May 4)

Flannery O’Connor shares the big screen with some of her most memorable short story characters in the new indy film ‘Wildcat’. O’Connor scholar Jessica Hooten Wilson gives her take on the film and what animates the Catholic 20th century writer’s prophetic imagination.Then FUS University President Father David Pivonka explains why Franciscan University of Steubenville has pushed back against the Biden administrations’ new interpretation of Title IX, which redefines sex discrimination to include a student’s self- asserted ‘gender identity’.