Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday With the Church

TV Picks 04.24.22 include EWTN offerings.

Pope Francis celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday in St. Peter's Square on April 8, 2018.
Pope Francis celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday in St. Peter's Square on April 8, 2018. (photo: Daniel Ibañez/CNA / EWTN)

SUNDAY, April 24

Divine Mercy Sunday

EWTN 4am is Holy Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday (from the Basilica of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland); encore at 6pm. At 8am is Sunday Mass in Irondale, Alabama, from the EWTN chapel. At 10am is the Divine Mercy Celebration From Vilnius, Lithuania, with Mass. At noon is the Marian Fathers’ Divine Mercy Preview Show. (Re-airs midnight.) At 1:30pm is Mass and Celebration of Divine Mercy From Stockbridge, Massachusetts. (Re-airs 1:30am.) At 4pm is Divine Mercy Holy Hour From Hanceville. (Re-airs 7am Monday.) 10pm is Holy Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday (live from the Church Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, presided over by Pope Francis).


SUNDAY, April 24, 8am

Modern Marvels

HISTORY This episode, “Snackfood Tech,” shows factories across the United States to survey the step-by-step mass production. A re-air. TV-PG.


TUESDAY, April 26, 6:30pm

Catholic Sphere

EWTN Jesuit Father Robert Spitzer, David Anders and EWTN theology vice president Colin Donovan respond to EWTN President and Chief Operating Officer Doug Keck’s question, “What’s ‘New’ about the New Evangelization?”


THURSDAYS, April 28, May 5, 8pm

This Old House

PBS On April 28, the team begins a project by visiting homeowners and their builder in Saratoga Springs, New York. On May 5, the back yard initially gets buttressed. Re-airs.


SUNDAY, May 1, 3:30pm 

St. Joseph the Worker

EWTN In 1955 Pope Pius XII declared May 1 the feast of St. Joseph the Worker to foster the Catholic vision of Labor Day and counter communism’s false promises. This EWTN special honors St. Joseph as a model for all workers.


MONDAY-FRIDAY, May 2-6, 5:30pm

Men, Women and the Mystery of Love

EWTN Theologian Edward Sri examines insights into love and sexuality as found in the 1960 book Love and Responsibility by then-Bishop Karol Wojtyla (Pope St. John Paul II).


WEDNESDAY, May 4, 8pm

Nature: My Garden of a Thousand Bees

PBS In spring 2020, during the lockdown, British wildlife filmmaker Martin Dohrn tracked the bees in his urban garden.


FRIDAY, May 6, 9:15am

I Was a Communist for the F.B.I.

TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES Based on real events, this taut 1951 docudrama stars Frank Lovejoy as a citizen who infiltrates the Communist Party USA to help foil its anti-American plots. Advisory: Intense scenes, some racial epithets. A-1.



SUNDAYS, May 8, May 15, 5:30pm

Saints vs. Scoundrels

EWTN This two-part feature, “Blessed [now Saint] Paul VI vs. Margaret Sanger,” pits the author of the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae against Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.