Loving Special People and Mourning Loved Ones

Letters 12.03.23

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions.
Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (photo: NCRegister.com)

Special Gifts

Regarding “Jimmy’s Life Is a Gift” by Lauretta Brown (Culture of Life, Oct. 8 issue). I was very impressed with this article. She very much expressed my feelings for children born with Down syndrome. These kids express pure love for those around them. I had two foster children, one born with cerebral palsy and one with microcephaly. They could not control their bodies, except to move their heads. They lit up the room with their smiles. They simply “adored” us, my wife and me.

It is beyond my understanding how a parent can “regret” these beautiful children just because they are not perfect. Lauretta did a beautiful job expressing that Jimmy is a gift to their family. I agree: These babies are a gift to their families. Becky and Jeanette were certainly a gift to our family.

Charles J. Lemont

Shelby Township, Michigan

Relatable Read

Widows’ Secret Sisterhood” (In Depth, Oct. 22 issue), by Lorraine Murray, hit the nail on the head. The title could be changed to “Widowers’ Secret Brotherhood.” Everything she said also applies to men. My wife and I were married for 50 years, and 40 of those years I was her caregiver because of her many ailments. Caregiving brings a couple closer together. After just over a year, I miss her tremendously. On a daily basis, I pray for her and ask the Blessed Mother to hug her and tell her I love her. Reading this column and writing this email is difficult. I also just had a Mass said for her and wished her a happy first anniversary of her entrance into the kingdom of heaven.

Bill Kane

Burlington, Massachusetts