Letters 04.11.21

Readers respond to Register stories.

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions.
Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (photo: NCRegister.com / Register)

Thank You for Your Witness

Regarding “How 1 Welsh Priest Brought Our Lord to Empty Streets” (Culture of Life, Jan. 31 edition), by K.V. Turley: Dear Father Roche-Saunders, I am a fellow Catholic writing you from Chatham, New York, in the United States. I was so touched and inspired by your witness of faith and act of evangelizing. Good and faithful servant of the Lord, God is there with you in your walk of the heart! Know how loved you are by him. I will keep you in my daily prayers.

Your witness of the Lord gives us all hope. I am so thankful for priests like you who are made in the image and likeness of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Continued blessings in abundance.

 Beth Hawes

 Chatham, New York


Aiding Our Priests

While the writers featured on your website are consistently excellent, I was very impressed by Father de Souza’s balanced, insightful and respectful writing regarding Cardinal Blase Cupich. I’ve been asked by parishioners for something to read that explains his recent comments, but didn’t have anything I was comfortable sharing until I found Father de Souza’s recent article, “Cardinal Cupich Seems to Be the Vatican’s Choice” (Feb. 5, NCRegister.com). Many thanks to Father de Souza, and you all, as well, for helping me fulfill my priestly ministry.

 Father Samuel Dubois

 Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania