Welcome Coverage and Topics of Concern

Letters 03.10.24

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions.
Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (photo: NCRegister.com)

Thank You for ‘Life & Legacy’

Thank you for the articles in the Jan. 14 edition of the Register (“Life & Legacy”) commemorating the first anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s death. 

His search for the face of Jesus is a great gift; and as I read Jesus of Nazareth, I felt my heart burning like the disciples on the road to Emmaus. 

Thank you, Pope Benedict, and rest in peace.

Stephen Watson

Vista, California

Hope for a Wounded World

Relevant to recent coverage:

More than 70 years ago, Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen addressed the pervasive despair that was plaguing our world. He spoke about the building down of our valued institutions, education, law and order and so forth. 

How can faith thrive in a future that doesn’t build up? 

Interestingly, these very same issues continue to affect us today. Sadly, the light of faith has begun to dim in the psyche of modern man.

Living in a world that honors secularism is a frightening and dangerous one. History has proven the practical truth of this fact. 

Modernism has planted this false notion that science and technology can overshadow faith as the foundation of truth. Although there has been much progress due to the advent of science and technology, it fails to reach the preferred truth of the ages. The current events dominating our headlines, like crime, counter culture, violence, loss of respect for life, etc., symbolize the symptoms that are haunting our way of life.

Experts have studied, and agreed, that man has always searched for something beyond himself. 

And that something, whether people agree with it or not, is God. With all the negativity in our world, there has been a resurgence of an interest in spirituality. This definitely offers hope for a wounded world.

Viola Moreno

San Antonio, Texas

Abortion Abomination

Regarding “GOP Struggles to Define Its Abortion Stance” (front page, Feb. 11 issue):

As with our lack of stance in the 1930 atrocities, Joan Frawley Desmond’s next article title should be “Catholic Church Struggles to Take a Stance and Hold Biden Accountable for Millions of Misled Catholics and Non-Catholics Alike for Millions of Abortions.” If we are able to identify the in-your-face abomination our current president supports, we may just see a resurgence of Catholics (re)turning to our Church.

This should be a running column in your (our) publication until it is addressed publicly/explained as to why it took so long to identify this problem.

RS Melroy 

Santee, South Carolina

Saint Mary’s Identity

I wanted to write and express how appreciative I (and many parents of students at Saint Mary’s College) am that you wrote the “Publisher’s Note” about Saint Mary’s College (“Saint Mary’s College’s President, Trustees Should Resign,” Opinion, Feb. 25 issue). 

We knew the college wasn’t conservative like Christendom but certainly didn’t expect the anti-Catholic bias we found on campus. 

This issue coming to the forefront made us dig deep and see what evil lurks in the agendas of the faculty, board of trustees and the president. 

You calling for their resignation is not at all an overreaction. 

The college employs a full-time Protestant female minister and a full-time Catholic female “minister,” but only has three part-time (three hours/week) Catholic priests who are graduate students at Notre Dame. 

The courses offered in gender and women’s studies number 110-plus, while the theology classes, including “queer theology,” number 51. The rot is real but, as you opine, starts at the top. 

A group of parents and alumnae have started the Loretto Trust, similar to Notre Dame’s Sycamore Trust, and will work to make Saint Mary’s Catholic again. 

A requirement that all faculty, Catholic or not, promise to uphold Catholic teaching and not to teach against it, would be a priority; also having the priest in charge of the “Spirituality Center,” Father Dan Horan, who works with New Ways Ministry and has undermined Catholic teaching, be removed. 

It is a monumental task, but with your support in writing this piece, our task is made easier. You will be included in our family Rosary as an appreciation. Thank you again.


Indianapolis, Indiana


The wedding photo included with “‘Gift of New Life’: Bride Shares Baby News After Husband’s Tragic Death” (front page, Feb. 11 issue) was by Right Up Your Allie Photography, LLC.

In Judy Roberts’ “‘To Build Our Brothers Up’: Companions for Christ Answers Call for Community for the Diocesan Priesthood” (Nation, Feb. 25 issue), three Companions of Christ priests will be moving to Crookston, Minnesota, in July for three years and will be assigned to two (not six) parishes, in addition to a school and the Newman Center at Bemidji State University.