Of the Synod and Divine Charity

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions.
Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (photo: NCRegister.com)

Synodal ‘Trojan Horse’

On the front page of the Nov. 5 issue, under the title “A Synodal Long Game? Changing Structure to Change Doctrine,” Jonathan Liedl quotes a synodal theological expert, Father Vimal Tirimanna, as saying, “I can assure you, once the firm foundation of the synodal life is laid — I repeat — once the firm foundation of the synodal life is laid, those things can be built up on that.”

First, we already have a firm foundation, which was laid centuries ago. 

Second, how does one lay a “firm foundation of synodal life”? Those words, having no concrete ingredients, can only create a “foundation” constructed in a bog. 

It is meant to supplant the tried and true. 

This entire synod is a Trojan horse. 

We know what’s inside.

David Welsh

Dubuque, Iowa


God’s Ways of Charity

Thank you so very much for the editorial, “A True Shepherd,” in the Oct. 22 issue. 

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone sets the bar high in his remarks about the passing of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whom I have found very difficult to appreciate.

I didn’t realize she had been just down the hall, then run towards the gunfire that killed George Moscone and Harvey Milk, and was herself almost a victim of an assassination attempt.

I definitely need to be reminded to take the high road because it is the road Our Lord, with his help, expects us to take.

 Your observations and quotes from Archbishop Cordileone are most helpful in moving in God’s ways, not my way. Thank you.

 Patrick K. Seltzer
