ND Students Stand for Life

Notre Dame students will hold peaceful, prayerful protests this weekend against their university’s decision to honor President Barack Obama on Sunday.

These kinds of events are in keeping with the request of Bishop John D’Arcy of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind. Although he has strongly denounced Notre Dame’s decision to honor Obama at its May 17 commencement in public statements posted here and here on his diocese’s website, Bishop D’Arcy in an April 10 statement urged “all Catholics and others of goodwill to stay away from unseemly and unhelpful demonstrations” against Obama or Holy Cross Father John Jenkins, Notre Dame’s president.

Go here for the schedule of weekend events of demonstration against Notre Dame’s decision to honor Obama, organized by the ND Response student group.

The events will culminate Sunday afternoon with a Class Of 2009 Vigil For Life, attended by graduating seniors who have chosen not to attend their commencement ceremony and by supporters of their decision.

Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, will be leading a scriptural Rosary during this prayer vigil.

“ND Response has received official permission to host a prayerful and constructive demonstration on the campus of the University of Notre Dame on the weekend of commencement,” ND Response states on its website. “As students of this university, we invite all those interested in respectfully and constructively standing alongside us as we give witness to Notre Dame’s Catholic identity and affirm the sanctity of life.”