Thousands Pack Ottawa’s Parliament Hill for 27th Annual March for Life
This year’s speakers included pro-life speaker and author Abby Johnson, President of 40 Days for Life Shawn Carney, and Campaign Life Coalition Vice-Chair Jeff Gunnarson.
This year’s speakers included pro-life speaker and author Abby Johnson, President of 40 Days for Life Shawn Carney, and Campaign Life Coalition Vice-Chair Jeff Gunnarson.
The simultaneous pro-life demonstrations took place in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cúcuta, Montería, Pereira, Cumaral, and scores of other cities.
Co-sponsored by Illinois Right to Life and March for Life, the Illinois march is an annual event that begins in front of the state Capitol and proceeds through downtown Springfield.
Under the motto “Long live Poland,” the event was organized by the Fundacja św. Benedykta (St. Benedict Foundation) and was sponsored by the Polish Bishops’ Conference, among other organizations.
The event concluded with releasing balloons into the sky and a live ultrasound of a baby at 25 weeks, whose beating heart was all that could be heard.
Marchers in Kentucky, Kansas and Indiana kicked off 2024’s state-level march for life demonstrations last week.
The conference takes place every year at Georgetown University on the Saturday of the weekend closest to the March for Life in Washington, DC.
A glimpse into the real, raw facts that even children know about why life should be protected at all stages.
Father Ed Riley, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Waltham, Massachusetts, shares why it's important to be in Washington, D.C., marching for life.
Members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising were in Washington Jan. 19.
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