Results from Tag: 'jonathan liedl'

Believers gather at the Namugongo Shrine in Uganda for this year’s Martyrs’ Day Pilgrimage on June 3, 2024, where the country's president, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, urged them to be at the forefront of fostering peace in the East African region. Museveni lauded Christians and other believers in the country for "embracing unity" and fostering religious tolerance.

USCCB v. EEOC and 4 Million Gather for Uganda Martyrs’ Feast (June 8)

Catholic organizations are in conflict again with the Biden Administration over abortion. The US Bishops and other Catholic groups have filed a lawsuit against a federal agency for forcing them to include time off for pregnant workers who have an abortion. Daniel Blomberg, vice president and senior counsel for Becket explains. Then Jonathan Liedl reports Uganda where 4 million people gathered for mass for the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga and companions.

Matthew Heidenreich, one of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage’s Perpetual Pilgrims, walks in prayer along the headwaters of the Mississippi River at the May 19 start of the Marian Route. Heidenreich and 23 other young adults will be praying on behalf of Catholics across the country on the two-month journey to Indianapolis.

Midwest’s Marian Mark and True Confessions (May 25)

Pilgrims are trekking on four different routes for a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage that covers more than 6,000 miles. The Marian Route traverses the Midwest. And Jonathan Liedl, who hails from Minnesota, gives us highlights of Midwestern Catholicism. Then we get a broader glimpse of Catholicism in America as told through Fran Maier’s new book True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church.

The opening day of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is seen in the Vatican Synod Hall on Oct. 3, 2018.

Synod on Synodality Document and Eucharistic Conversion (June 24)

The Synod on Synodality concluded its preparatory phase this week with the release of the planning document that will guide the October gathering of synod members. The document lays out what promises to be a wide-ranging discussion on Pope Francis’ vision of a more inclusive, decentralized and ‘listening’ church. Register Senior Editor Jonathan Liedl joins us with analysis. Then we hear from a young woman who converted from Judaism to Protestantism to Catholicism and now is witnessing to others the power of the Eucharist. Joanna Wischer shares her story.

National Catholic Register editor in chief Shannon Mullen

Shannon Mullen and Jonathan Liedl (Feb. 11)

The Register has a new editor in chief. EWTN announced last month that Shannon Mullen will lead the 95-year-old National Catholic Register. Shannon joins us to talk about his dedication to journalism and his mission in Catholic media. Jeanette and Matthew also talk with Register Senior Editor Jonathan Liedl about the highlights of his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land and the ongoing strife in the region. And finally, we take another look at conflicting concepts of synod that continue to cause tension in the Church.