Things Not to Do For Lent, Biblical Truths about Fasting, My Husband Isn't Trained and More!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Seven Things Not to Do For Lent by Birgit Jones of Catholic Stand -

Five Biblical Truths About Fasting – Deacon Michael Bickerstaff, The Integrated Catholic Life™

Dissident University of Notre Dame Theologian, Candida Moss, Disappointed with Pope Francis – Donald R. McClarey JD, The American Catholic

Raising Little Angels: How to Properly Praise Your Child – Matt Breuninger, Psyched Catholic

How a Supporter of Women’s Ordination Left the Anglican Church to Become a Catholic by Francis Phillips of Catholic Herald Magazine -

Passages from Vatican II that Every Catholic Should Know – Jared M. Silvey, Crisis Magazine

My Husband Isn’t Trained – Amanda Sloan, Ignitum Today

Truth-Telling and the Right of Self-Government: Why President Obama’s Marriage Lie Matters – Carson Holloway, Public Discourse

Trying to Understand Pro-Abortion Politicians – Cynthia Millen, Catholic Stand

What Is Hell? – Tim Staples, Catholic Answers

The Catholic’s Survival Guide to Internet Trolls - Shaun McAfee, Epic Pew

Pope Francis: An Agenda Behind his Back? - Andrea Gagliarducci, Monday Vatican

Rape The Fifty Shades Way – Patti Maguire Armstrong, Catholic Stand

Bishops Praise Net Neutrality Ruling – Mark Stricherz, Aleteia∝

In Bondage to Pornography – Carl R. Trueman, First Things

Father Rosica’s Ironic Lawsuit – Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute

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