Faithful Catholic Education Key to New Vocations, Andy Warhol: SSA Ruthenian Catholic, and More!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Faithful Catholic Education Key to New Vocations, Study Suggests – The Cardinal Newman Society Blog/Campus Notes

Andy Warhol, Same-Sex Attracted and Catholic by Marc Barnes of the Bad Catholic blog – Big ulpit

Recovering a Culture that is Genuinely Catholic – Arland K. Nichols, Homiletic & Pastoral Review

The Conscience of a Catholic – Anne Hendershott and Christopher White, The Catholic Thing

Heresy in Education – Jake Tawney, Roma Locuta Est

Ethos of a Catholic School – Stratford Caldecott, Beauty in Education

Formal and Material Cooperation – Fr. Brian Thomas Becket Mullady, Truth & Charity Forum

Why Do We Need Faith? – Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Ignatius Insight Scoop

Ten Practices for the Year of Faith – J. Q. Tomanek, Ignitum Today

If You Want a Personal Relationship With Jesus, Become a Catholic – Jason, The Roman Road

The Church’s Nature as Explained by Vatican II – Fr. Robert John Araujo SJ, Mirror of Justice

Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s Communist Mentor on the Catholic Church – Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine

U.S. Bishops: Biden Lied – Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Second Vatican Council on Sacred Liturgy – Esther G., A Catholic Mom in Hawaii

Could it Be That Jesus Had a Wife? – Deacon Nathan Haverland, Shameless Popery

Newly Composed Gregorian Chant at Papal Mass – Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

What Did Boston Archdiocesan Official Advise Mario Cuomo for the 1984 Notre Dame Speech? – Boston Catholic Insider

Quæritur: Mixed Marriage and the Traditional Latin Mass – Fr. Z’s Blog

University of Michigan Student Blasts the Hook-Up Culture – Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report

Hobbits in Lancashire – Joseph Pearce, StAR/Ink Desk

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