Bishop Morlino and the Surge of Priestly Vocations, Pope Francis and Confession Tips and Much More!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Diocese of Madison: Bishop Morlino and the Surge of Priestly Vocations by Father John Zuhlsdorf of Fr. Z’s Blog -

Pope Francis Offers Tips on Preparing for Confession - Carol Glatz, Catholic Herald Magazine

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out – Nicole DeMille, Epic Pew

From Homeschool to College: Five Tips for Success – Athanasius Clark , Seton Magazine

The Islamic State Is Exterminating Christians and Civilization -

The Booming TLM Parish in Oklahoma’s Oil Fields – Donna Sue Berry, Regina Magazine

Facing Lent While Recovering From Anorexia - Anna Rose Meeds, Catholic Stand

Learning the Priesthood: The Role of Altar Service in Vocational Discernment – Peter Lyons, One Peter 5

Read More Books Now – T. J. Burdick, Ignitum Today

Basking in Beauty’s Glow - Father David Friel, Views from the Choir Loft

PopeWatch: ISIS – Donald R. McClarey JD, The American Catholic

Oil Company Hit Man has Archbishop Cordileone in His Sights – Kevin Jones, Catholic News Agency

Having a Baby Ruined My Marriage – Nicole Padley, A Couple of Catholics

Catholic Blogisterium Overreacts to German Bishops’ Statements – Anthony Layne, The Impractical Catholic

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Senator Dianne Feinstein speaks with St. John Paul II in San Francisco, Calif., in 1978.

A True Shepherd

EDITORIAL: Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone responded to the death of political adversary Dianne Feinstein with charity and graciousness, as befits all Catholics.