America's Golden Calf Moment, Time to Kneel Down and Pray for Our Nation, and Much More. . .

The Best in Catholic Blogging

America’s Golden Calf Moment by Carl E. Olson of The Catholic World Report - Big Pulpit

It Is Time to Kneel Down and Pray For Our Nation – Father John Zuhlsdorf, Fr. Z’s Blog

Truth Demands Charity, Not Mere Tolerance - Alice Von Hildebrand, Catholic Answers

Religious Entities Now Must Wait to See If They Will Be Forced to Cooperate – Russell Shaw, OSV Newsweekly

Judge Not? - Jim Blackburn, Catholic Answers

When You Wake Up in the Morning, God Will Still Be in Control – Kathy Schiffer, Seasons of Grace

Marriage Has Been Redefined: Now What? – Trent Horn, Catholic Answers

Why Are Catholics Against Gay Weddings and Women Priests? - Father Dwight Longenecker, Standing on my Head

Legal Fisking on the Supreme Court’s Ruling – Father John Zuhlsdorf, Fr. Z’s Blog

Dissenting Justices Warn of ‘Ominous Implications’ for Religious Freedom - Helen Alvaré, OSV Newsweekly

Ed Peters Thoughts On the SCOTUS Decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ - Father John Zuhlsdorf, Fr. Z’s Blog

Responses from American Bishops Across the Country Weigh In [Updated] - Catherine Harmon, OSV Newsweekly

Satan Hates the Family, Here’s Why - Samuel Guzman, The Catholic Gentleman

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