TV Picks 01.17.2010


The Fulton Sheen Program

CATHOLICTV This show about the beloved convert-maker and author Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) will air 10:30am Mondays, 3:30am Tuesdays, and 12:30 and 11pm Fridays and include excerpts from his Emmy-winning show, “Life Is Worth Living,” which ran 1951-1957.

MONDAY, Jan. 18, 10pm

Benjamin Latrobe: America’s First Architect

PBS This new documentary uses location shooting, computer-generated animation and interviews with experts to appraise the English-born Latrobe (1764-1820). His many projects include the U.S. Capitol and Baltimore’s Basilica of the Assumption, built 1806-1821 and today called America’s “most advanced building” of its time. Advisory: TV-PG.

TUESDAY, Jan. 19, 8pm

Nova: Riddles of the Sphinx

PBS This colossal monument, with a human head and a lion’s body, rests on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile near Cairo and dates to about 2,500 B.C. In this new show, archaeologists probe who created it and what methods they used. TV-G.

TUESDAY, Jan. 19, 26, 9pm

How the Earth Was Made

HISTORY “Everest,” on Jan. 19, explains the presence of ocean-seabed fossils in the 29,029-foot peak’s sedimentary layers by outlining the formation of the Himalayas when India collided with Asia. “Death Valley,” on Jan. 26, purports the reason the basin lies below sea level: nearby mountain ridges are pulling apart and collapsing its floor.

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20, 9pm

Great Performances at the Met: The Audition

PBS This new show follows three young tenors as they try to launch careers in opera for themselves by entering The Metropolitan Opera’s highly competitive National Council Auditions in 2007.

THURSDAY-FRIDAY, Jan. 21-22, live

The March for Life

EWTN At 6:30pm Thursday is the Solemn Vigil Mass for Life in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. At 7:30am Friday in the same basilica is the Solemn Mass for Life. At 11am Friday, four hours of coverage of the March for Life begins with the pre-march rally.

SATURDAY, Jan. 23, 1pm, live

Sixth Annual Walk for Life West Coast

EWTN In this two-hour telecast from San Francisco, Father Mark Mary and Doug Barry will interview participants, cover the rally, and follow the pro-life marchers along the walk.

Dan Engler writes from
Santa Barbara, California.