Poland’s March for Life and Family Draws 10,000 People

The event was held for the 17th time. During the year, such marches are organized in various places in Poland and gather hundreds of thousands of people.

(photo: Sr. Amata Nowaszewska / via CNA)

Under the motto “I Promise You,” an estimated 10,000 people walked through the streets of Poland's capital on Sunday to take part in the National March for Life and Family.

The event was held for the 17th time. During the year, such marches are organized in various places in Poland and gather hundreds of thousands of people.

“Similar marches are organized throughout the year in 150 towns and cities in Poland and gather several hundred thousand people,” Pawel Ozdoba, president of the Center for Life and Family responsible for organizing the march, told CNA.

Polish President Andrzej Duda greeted the participants in a special video message. He said: “I am very happy that you are again marching through the streets of Warsaw. Grandparents, parents, children and parents-to-be form a great, joyful community here today. Together, you are giving public testimony of your commitment to the noblest ideals. You express the conviction that a strong family means a successful future for our country. I thank you from the heart for this.”

"Love life, choose life:" National March for Life and Family in Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 18, 2022. Sr. Amata Nowaszewska

National March for Life and Family in Warsaw, Poland, takes place Sept. 18. | Sister Amata Nowaszewska

The march on Sept. 18 began with a concert by the popular band “Noah‘s Ark.” Speeches followed. March organizer Pawel Ozdoba explained why this year’s motto was “I Promise You,” an expression from Catholic wedding vows.

He said: “This year we want to remind spouses and those called to marriage of the meaning and significance of the marriage vow.” Accordingly, the renewal of marriage vows took place before the march began. The rite was presided over by Father Bogdan Bartold, pastor of the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Warsaw.

Participants of the march walked through the streets of Warsaw holding colorful balloons and red-and-white flags. They also carried banners with messages such as: “Life is beautiful,” “May children live,” “I choose life,” or “Fatherhood begins at conception. Equal responsibility. Equal rights.” In addition, spouses carried special badges on which they wrote their names and the number of years of married life.

"Ewa and Arek have been married 33 years" – participants at the March for Life and Family in Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 19, 2022. Sr. Amata Nowaszewska

‘Ewa and Arek have been married 33 years.’ Participants display notes about their married love at the March for Life and Family in Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 18. | Sister Amata Nowaszewska

Many parents with children, married couples, public figures, members of movements and associations, priests, elderly and single people attended the march. It concluded with a solemn Mass. The event was held under the honorary patronage of Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki, president of the Polish Bishops' Conference.

As Ozdoba, organizer of the march, told CNA: “Unfortunately, statistics show that, currently, every second marriage in Warsaw breaks up. Nationally, the situation is not much better, as, statistically, one-in-three marriages breaks up. These are dramatic figures that demand our firm response. That’s why we are showing the public that marriage can be happy.”

Thousands of pro-life demonstrators participate in the annual March for Life near the US Capitol in Washington, DC, on January 20, 2023.

Marching Forward

A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: In the post-Roe era, there is a great need to coordinate and enhance our pro-life efforts at the national level and state level in order to convert hearts and minds to the pro-life cause.