Here Is Pope Francis’ Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2023

Pope Francis has been scheduled to preside over nine Masses, liturgies and devotions between April 2 and Easter Monday, April 10.

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in St. Peter's Square for Easter 2022.
Pope Francis celebrates Mass in St. Peter's Square for Easter 2022. (photo: Daniel Ibanez/CNA)

Palm Sunday marks the start of one of the most full and beautiful liturgical periods of the Catholic Church year.

It is also one of the busiest liturgical periods at the Vatican, where Pope Francis has been scheduled to preside over nine Masses, liturgies and devotions between April 2 and Easter Monday, April 10.

With Pope Francis having been hospitalized on March 29 for a respiratory infection, it was unclear if he would be well enough to participate in any or some of the liturgies.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni confirmed on April 1, as Pope Francis was discharged from the hospital, that the Pope is still planning to be present for Palm Sunday Mass on April 2. Pope Francis will preside over the liturgies with a cardinal celebrating at the altar. 

Here is the Vatican’s full schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2023:

Palm Sunday

Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.

Daniel Ibáñez/CNA

On Sunday morning, April 2, Pope Francis is scheduled to preside over Mass for Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday or the Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance Into Jerusalem.

The Mass, which will be in St. Peter’s Square at 10am local time, will kick off with a grand procession of deacons, priests, bishops, cardinals and laypeople carrying palms.

The procession includes olive tree branches, palm fronds and the large, weaved palms called parmureli, all blessed by Pope Francis.

Holy Thursday

Vatican Media.

Vatican Media

Pope Francis is set to start Holy Thursday with a chrism Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at 9:30am in the presence of cardinals, bishops and priests living in Rome.

During the Mass, Pope Francis, as the bishop of Rome, will bless the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens, and the chrism oil to be used in the diocese during the coming year.

In the evening, the Pope will offer Mass at the juvenile detention center Casal del Marmo, the same detention center where he offered Holy Thursday Mass in 2013, shortly after his election.

Pope Francis washes inmates’ feet at Rome’s Regina Coeli Prison on Holy Thursday, March 29, 2018. Vatican Media.

Pope Francis washes inmates’ feet at Rome’s Regina Coeli Prison on Holy Thursday, March 29, 2018. | Vatican Media

In 2022, the Pope offered the Mass at a prison in Civitavecchia, a port city about 50 miles northwest of Rome. After the homily, Francis washed the feet of 12 inmates, representing the disciples.

Good Friday

Continuing the liturgies of the Triduum, Pope Francis is also scheduled to preside over a celebration for the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday at 5pm in St. Peter’s Basilica.

During this liturgy, which is not a Mass, instead of the Pope, papal preacher Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa preaches on Christ’s crucifixion.

Vatican Media.

Vatican Media

In the evening, Francis will lead the Stations of the Cross devotion at the Colosseum at 9:15pm.

Holy Saturday

On Holy Saturday, Pope Francis is set to preside over the Easter vigil at 7:30pm in St. Peter’s Basilica. 

The Easter vigil, which takes place on Holy Saturday night, “is the greatest and most noble of all solemnities,” according to the Roman Missal. 

Vatican Media

Vatican Media

The liturgy begins in darkness with the blessing of the new fire and the preparation of the Paschal candle. At the Vatican, cardinals, bishops and priests process through the dark basilica carrying lit candles to signify the light of Christ coming to dispel the darkness. 

Pope Francis also typically baptizes new Catholics at this Mass.

Easter Sunday

The morning of Easter Sunday, Pope Francis will preside over Mass in St. Peter’s Square at 10am on a flower-decked parvise.

After Mass, he will give the annual Easter urbi et orbi blessing from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Pope Francis gives the Urbi et Orbi blessing for Easter 2022. Vatican News

Pope Francis gives the blessing for Easter 2022. | Vatican News

Urbi et orbi means “to the city [of Rome] and to the world” and is a special apostolic blessing given by the pope every year on Easter Sunday, Christmas and other special occasions.

In 2022, local authorities estimated 100,000 people were present for the blessing.

Easter Monday

Pope Francis will mark Easter Monday, also called “Monday of the Angel,” by praying the Angelus at noon from a window of the Apostolic Palace.

The Angelus is a traditional prayer honoring the Virgin Mary. Pope Francis leads the prayer and gives a brief reflection every Sunday and on important Marian and other feast days.

Courtney Mares contributed to this report.

The Shroud of Turin in the Cathedral of Turin during the public opening of the Shroud on April 19, 2015 Credit: Bohumil Petrik, CNA

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