VIDEO: Pope Francis' Answers to 3 Questions on Papal Plane from Armenia

Pope Francis answered seven questions in total on the papal plane from Armenia last night, including one from the Register on the Brexit vote. The full text of the press conference can be read here

I wasn't able to film all of it, but I did catch his responses to three questions: on whether there are two popes, if the Church should apologise to homosexuals, and how he would be approaching his visit to the Nazi extermination camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau when he travels to Poland for World Youth Day next month. To view the English translation of his comments, make sure you click on the CC (closed caption) icon on the bottom right.

1. Elisbetta Piqué, La Nacion: "Congratulations on the trip, first of all. We wanted to ask you: we know that you are the Pope and Pope Benedict, the Pope Emeritus, is also there, but lately some statements from the prefect of the Pontifical Household, Msgr. Georg Gaenswein, have come down, who suggested that there is a shared Petrine ministry, if I’m not mistaken, with one active Pope and one contemplative Pope. Are there two Popes?"

2. Cindy Wooden, CNS: "Holiness, within the past few days Cardinal Marx, the German, speaking at a large conference in Dublin which is very important on the Church in the modern world, said that the Catholic Church must ask forgiveness to the gay community for having marginalized these people. In the days following the shooting in Orlando, many have said that the Christian community had something to do with this hate toward these people. What do you think?"

Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office: "We visited the Memorial of Tzitzernakaberd with you during the visit to Armenia and you will also visit Auschwitz and Birkenau during the trip to Poland... You desire to live such a moment more with silence than words as you have done here, so [looking to the visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau] I wanted to ask if you preferred to make a moment of silent prayer with a specific motive?"

Pope Francis is due to travel to Poland for WYD July 27-31, 2016.