The Silence on Iran

Demonstrator injured last week in violence in Tehran.
Demonstrator injured last week in violence in Tehran. (photo: Reuters)

Jeffrey Weiss of Politics Daily went hunting, with scant success, for comment from American religious leaders about the strife enveloping Iran:

Watching the TV and Internet as events spin wildly in Iran, I went searching for what I was sure would be religious institutional voices weighing in. I’ve mostly come up dry.

Usually such hugely public events mean that my e-box fills with official statements from the broad spectrum of institutional religion. So far I’ve seen nothing. So I went searching. I’ve done Internet news searches for “Iran” and a bunch of other religious terms: “Bishop” and “Catholic” and “Baptist” and “pastor” and “rabbi.”

Aside from the leaders of a few U.S. congregations that include Iranian immigrants, I’m finding nothing.