Thanks, Bishops

(photo: CNS)

Whatever the outcome of today’s elections, Human Life International president Father Thomas Euteneuer says Catholics owe a big thank-you to the U.S. bishops.

The Register couldn’t agree more.

By their words and actions, the shepherds of Catholic America have reminded everyone throughout this election cycle that Christian witness doesn’t consist in saying what’s popular, comfortable or easy.

It consists in speaking the truth in love, in good political seasons and in bad.

Let’s allow Father Euteneuer to have the Daily Blog’s last word on the subject. After applauding a number of individual bishops for their especially strong leadership in his Oct. 31 “Spirit and Life” column, Father Euteneuer concludes by saying:

“Thankfully, there are many more examples of episcopal courage that we could add to the reflections but suffice it to say that there seems to be a new wind blowing through the College of Bishops all around the world these days. Perhaps that wind is originating from Bavaria, but whatever its origin, let us continue to pray for our bishops and priests who are always on the firing line between the culture of life and the culture of death.

“We also need to thank them personally when they speak out in order to encourage them to do even more! Now that the example has been set, let us hope that other bishops and priests will have the audacity of our hope in Christ to go out and do the same!”

— Tom McFeely