If I Hated Women I Would...
If I hated women and I had the power, there are things I would do that would engulf the world in darkness.
If I hated women, I would make them hate themselves, just as I do.
If I hated women, I would foster envy.
I would make them believe that men have everything that they should want and it is men that keep them from it.
I would have them despise their past. I would conflate every positive thing about the way men and society treated women in the past with every unfair and patronizing aspect. I would make them believe that every bit of care and concern toward them has some controlling motive. I would make them believe that nobody can genuinely respect them and want to care for them at the same time.
If I hated women I would make them believe they can have everything. I would have them believe that they can be fully dedicated to successful careers and fully dedicated to successful families. I would have them believe the lie that men have been doing this for centuries, that men have never sacrificed anything. When reality shows them otherwise, I would have them resent their families for being unsupportive.
If I hated women, I would convince them that success is a male attribute. I would convince them that in order to succeed in the world they must reject the feminine in favor of the worst aspects of the masculine. I would have them think like men and act like men. And when they did, I would whisper in the ears of other women "Isn't she a b-tch?"
If I hated women, I would have them hate and fear their own biology. I would tell them that to be truly a woman, they must daily pump themselves full of dangerous chemicals and hormones to subdue their greatest gifts. I would teach them to reject their natural impulses and treat their fecundity as the enemy.
I would on one hand convince them that their natural feminine gifts are a curse while at the same time bombarding them with messages that they are not pretty enough or thin enough.
If I hated women, I would convince them of the lie that sex is meaningless and consequence free. I would convince them that in order to be truly free they must be a slave to their own lust. And by teaching women that sex is meaningless, I teach men that sex is all women are good for.
And when the chemicals and condoms fail, I would teach them to hate their own children.
I would make them see children as a burden. I would take their greatest gift and turn it into jealousy, hate, and resentment.
"A baby will only hold you back." "You can't handle this right now." "Be truly free." "Kill"
If I really hated women, while I was encouraging them to be the worst version of a man, I would do everything I could to feminize men.
In short, if I really hated women I wouldn't change a thing.