3 Ways That a Vacation Is a Perfect Way to Replenish Your Body and Soul

Feeling burnt out from work and needing a break or even a vacation?

Vacation time allows for much needed physical and spiritual rest.
Vacation time allows for much needed physical and spiritual rest. (photo: Unsplash)

In order to replenish yourself, sometimes a vacation is much-needed. Bogged down at work and struggling to keep your head above water? Rest is something that everyone needs and should be a priority nowadays. 

A vacation can serve both your mental and spiritual life — while guiding you closer to Christ. 

Vacations are necessary to living a rich, full and spiritual life with Christ. 

Prioritizing Prayer

Being on vacation allows us some extra time that we usually do not possess, so why not dedicate it to prayer? 

Reserving time for meditation and developing a prayer life is a vital part of being a Catholic and allows us to encounter Christ daily. 

By making the time to pray, even out of the office, we are allowing Christ to enter into our everyday lives and struggles. 

We are asking essentially for his help and guidance. 

Archbishop Fulton Sheen spoke numerous times about the “power of prayer.” 

He remarked: “Prayer is helplessness casting itself on Power, infirmity leaning on Strength, misery reaching to Mercy, and a prisoner clamoring for Relief.”

At his ordination, he professed that he would do a Holy Hour every day, and he fulfilled this promise faithfully. 

“It is only through prayer that we will change the world for Christ.” 


Spending Quality Family Time

With working all the time, spending quality family time becomes harder and harder to do, so a vacation serves as a great way to catch up. 

While on vacation, I was able to spend some time with my younger siblings and really bond with them. 

I also was able to have some great conversations with my parents that were filled with both laughter and fun. 

Amid busy times, spending time with my family is paramount. 


Journaling and Meditation

Journaling is such a great tool to get down your thoughts for some meaningful reflection. 

Meditation also serves as a tool to reflect on ways that God has entered your life and focus on what is important. 

By putting down your thoughts on paper, it lets you think deeper and gets you a clearer solution to your problems and current discernment. 

In life, there are many ups and downs, but we can overcome these challenges by placing our faith in Christ. 

Journaling and prayerful meditation serve as ways to encounter Christ in a small way in our daily life — even while on vacation. 

Spiritual rest
‘He restores my soul’ (Psalm 23:3).

Being on vacation gives our mind a rest and allows us to focus on what is important: faith and family. 

Wishing you a blessed time away from your daily routine!