Pope Amused by Seat Belt Complaint, Jimmy Fallon is a Liturgical Traditionalist, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Pope ‘Amused’ by Seat Belt Complaint - John Thavis, Catholic Herald

Jimmy Fallon, Liturgical Traditionalist - Matthew Schmitz, First Things/First Thoughts

Garden Tools and First Amendment Rights - Anthony S. Layne, Outside the Asylum

Is the Vatican Declaring War on U.S. Secularism? - The Motley Monk, The American Catholic

U.K.: EnCourage Call for Chaplains - Fr. Tim Finigan, The Hermeneutic of Continuity

Holy See Joins International Organization for Migration - Catholic News Agency

Could Obama Flip on Religious Exemptions for Health Care? - Bob Laird, HLI America/Truth & Charity Forum

False Visionaries, Mediums, Clairvoyants, & Healers in the Church - Mystics of the Church

Should Catholics support a ‘Flat Tax’ Proposal? - Brian Fraga, OSV Newsweekly

Identity Crisis for the Neo-Catechumenal Way - Chris Gillibrand, Catholic Conservation

No Mean Wretch: Against the New Pelagian Captivity - Philip Primeau, Catholic Lane

Lawyers Unleashed: Anti-Catholicism Infects Court Filings - Dave Pierre, TheMediaReport.com

Gay “Marriage”: Time for Australian Bishops to Stand Up & be Counted - Kate Edwards, Australia Incognita

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