Love Those Who Hate You, Contraception and Contradiction, Quærere Deum, Adam and Eve, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Love Those Who Hate You. . . - Fr. Philip Neri Powell OP PhD, Domine da mihi hanc aquam!

Contraception and Contradiction - Michael Baruzzini, Catholic Lane

Quærere Deum - Fr. Lawrence Lew OP, New Liturgical Movement

Adam & Eve After the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

The Desert Struggle - Fr. Stephen, Glory to God for All Things

Saint Dominic (1170-1221) On Prayer, Part I - Fr. Paul Wharton, Hearts on Fire

Does St. Louis de Montfort Forbid Us From Praying for Family? - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, New Theological Movement

7 Observations on Church & State by Cardinal Ratzinger - H. H. Ambrose, St. Peter’s List

Same-Sex “Marriage”: Logical Conclusion to Decades of Divorce, Infidelity - Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald

A Question - Christopher Blosser, The American Catholic

Santorum is a “Wafer” Madness Believer! - Terry Mattingly, Get Religion

Overheard From Pulpit - J. Q. Tomanek, Ignitum Today

The Station Churches of the Ember Days of Lent - Gregory DiPippo, New Liturgical Movement

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