New 60s! Hercules! Lucy! Snowpiercer! Plus Fr. John Cush on superheroes!

In our latest episode of Reel Faith, David and I review Guardians of the Galaxy and Hercules, and chat about superhero movies with Father John Cush, a movie and comic-book buff who has taught classes on superheroes. (Find out where and when to watch Reel Faith.)

Bonus: Our 30-plus minute conversation with Father Cush wouldn’t all fit on the show … but you can watch the whole thing right here.

Hercules (SDG)

A question I couldn’t get to in 60 seconds: What’s the real story with the creepy, green spaced-out tribal warriors? Can anyone explain that?

Lucy (DD)

Director Luc Besson says the beginning is Leon The Professional, the middle is Inception and the end is 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yes. He really said that.

Snowpiercer (SDG)

Easily the summer’s most thought-provoking action movie (although I liked Dawn of the Planet of the Apes better).

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