Doonby Film, St. Joseph in the Hypostatic Union, Christian Unity Banjo Opus, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Pro-life film Doonby Hits Ground Running with Top-Tier Endorsements - Patrick B. Craine, LifeSiteNews

St. Joseph as Belonging to Order of Hypostatic Union - Dr. Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Christian Unity Banjo Opus - Russ Rentler MD, Crossed the Tiber

Quæritur: Holy Thursday Mandatum & Female Feet - Fr. Z’s Blog

Fun Times Praying the Rosary With My Kids - Carlos Espinosa, Living The Faith On A High Wire

Moral Governments and the Leveling Effect - Mary Walker, Truth & Charity

Hitler, Austria, & Heroic Faith by the Austrian Chancellor’s Son - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

Bishop Vasa’s Affirmation of Faith: Not Old News - Jay Boyd PhD, Philothea on Phire

The Bioethics Gang: Testing the Limits Again - Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing

N.Y. Times Anti-Catholic Ad Very Similar to Chick Tracts - Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Standing on my Head

This Lent, Leave Your Water Jar Behind - Pursued by Truth

HHS Mandate: Morality and the Common Good - James Baresel, The Distributist Review

Canon 915, Communion, & “Manifest” Sin - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, New Theological Movement

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