Witness to Life at Election Time

Facts of Life

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life suggests the following to the faithful ahead of the midterm elections:

Personal and Family Activities
Educate yourselves about the candidates and actively support the candidate(s) of your choice.
Volunteer for a political campaign, donate to it, distribute lawn signs and bumper stickers and help with phone calls.
If your state has early voting, vote early and urge others to do so.
Remind people to vote. Use phone, email and social media to remind them.
Take the day off on Election Day and help bring people to the polls.
Pray the election novena (found at ElectionPrayer.com).

Parish Activities
Distribute nonpartisan voter guides, so people know where candidates stand on issues.
Educate the parish on the Church’s teachings on political responsibility.
Educate the parish on how elections impact public policy: for instance, how the U.S. Senate affects the Supreme Court.
Remind people that voting is a moral duty.
Assist the homebound to obtain and fill out absentee ballots.
Arrange a “Get Out the Vote” drive in your parish, contacting parishioners to remind them to vote and helping them get to the polls.
Have your parish pray the election novena (found at ElectionPrayer.com).
(Learn more at PoliticalResponsibility.com.)