Why We Celebrate Labor Day, Contrition, Month of 7 Dolors, Graham Greene, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

What We Celebrate on Labor Day (U.S.) - Fr. Roger Landry, Integrated Catholic Life™

Trickle Down and Bottom Up - Stephen B. White, The Catholic Thing

Labor is a Gift From God that Precedes Original Sin - Msgr. Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington

Hymn to Saint Joseph the Worker - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Lest It Go Unspoken - Sarah Babbs, VirtuousPla.net

Billie Mandle’s Striking Series of Portraits of Confessionals - Rosecrans Baldwin, The Morning News

Contrition - David Werling, Ars Orandi

September, The Month of the Seven Dolors - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, New Theological Movement

What is the Essence of Catholic Spirituality? Part II of II - Fr. John Bartunek, Catholic Spiritual Direction

Help Make a Catholic Movie: All That Remains/The Bells of Nagasaki - Frank Weathers, Why I Am Catholic

Graham Greene on the Art of Storytelling - Daniel McInerny, High Concepts

Spanish Chant? - Adam Bartlett, The Chant Café

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