Why the Papacy Endures, Conversion of a Lustful Satanist Magician, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Why the Papacy Endures - William Doino Jr., First Things/On the Square

The Conversion of a Lustful Satanist Magician - Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Papal German Visit Will Remain Important for Many Years to Come - Dylan Parry, A Reluctant Sinner

Practical Distributism: Subsidiarity & Social Security - David W. Cooney, Distributist Review

1001 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married - Julie Robison, VirtuousPla.net

Black Market Babies and the Church - Mary Jo Anderson, Crisis Magazine

Loving the Whole Person: Integration and Affirmation - Brendan Dudley, HLI America

Media say Pope may Resign in April: Not True - Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa/Vatican Insider

Don’t be Deceived by Appearances - Deacon Mike Bickerstaff, Integrated Catholic Life™

Papal Profile: Pope Clement V - The Mad Monarchist

A Taste of Heaven - The Ordinary Catholic, Peter’s Barque

Words have Meaning - Keyser Soze, The New Springtime!

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