Why God Chose Mary, General Washington and the Lord, Moral Absolutes, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Why did God choose Mary? - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, New Theological Movement

General Washington and the Lord of Hosts - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Can the Bishops Win This Battle? - Christopher Manion, Crisis Magazine

Misconceptions on New Vein of Comedy (not knowing biological dad) - Damian Adams, MercatorNet

Moral Absolutes and the Moral Life - Christopher O. Tollefsen, Public Discourse

Since He Clings to Me in Love, I Will Free Him - Nathaniel Gotcher, VirtuousPla.net

Cohabitation: Ten Facts - A. Patrick Schneider II, New Oxford Review

Dozens of Egyptian Coptic Christians Suffer Injuries in Attack - Catholic Online

Learning Justice from St. Roque Gonzalez - Brandon Vogt, The Thin Veil

Generosity or Desperation: Ethics of Organ Donation - Denise Hunnell MD, HLI America

Falsely Accused Priest Awarded Substantial Settlement - Dave Pierre, TheMediaReport.com

Planned Parenthood’s Core Principle: Ethics of Misinformation - Judie Brown, Catholic Lane

Why Kids Kan’t Accept Kantian Ethics - Stacy Trasancos PhD, Accepting Abundance

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