What Church Father Are You, Lessons from a Tribunal, Courageous Episcopal Leadership, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Which Church Father Are You? - Brent Stubbs, Almost Not Catholic

Santorum: The Galvanizing Candidate - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Catholics vs. Protestants: Original Sin, Concupiscence. . . - Dr. Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Lessons from a Tribunal - Bonnie Engstrom, Ignitum Today

The Courageous Leadership of Abp. Nienstedt & Bp. Campbell of Lancaster - Dylan Parry, A Reluctant Sinner

Homosexual Lobby Group Linked with Pro-Pedophile Groups - Austin Ruse, Life Site News

You Can’t Go Wrong with Navarre - Rich, Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber

Faith, Hope & Charity in The Lord of the Rings - David Rozema, Dappled Things

Man has been Religious Since Australopithecus Lucy - Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa/Vatican Insider

Filling the Vacant Sees - Jay Boyd PhD, Philothea on Phire

Plans to Restore Crumbling Colosseum Cause Rumblings in Rome - Laura Allsop, CNN

Bishops from the Planet Xarchon - Christopher Johnson, Bad Vestments

Freemasonry is an Enemy of the Church - Giacomo Galeazzi, La Stampa/Vatican Insider

Abortion Counter: 1 Billion Aborted Since 1980, In 1 Day Over 42,000 - Lisa Correnti, Turtle Bay and Beyond

The Tortured Definition of “Torture” - Teresa Rice, CathoLibertarian

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