The Crisis of Contemporary Catholic Art & Literature, Making Time for Prayer, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

The Crisis of Contemporary Catholic Art & Literature - J. E. Foyer, Saint Peter's List

Making Time for Prayer - Randy Hain, Integrated Catholic Life™

23 Reasons Why A Priest Should Wear His Collar by Msgr. Charles M. Mangan & Fr. Gerald E. Murray of the Courageous Priest Blog - Big Pulpit

Alabaster Shrine of St John the Baptist - Fr. Lawrence Lew OP, New Liturgical Movement

Fortnight For Freedom Day 2: Martyrs for the Liberty of the Church - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Children of Same Sex Couples - Michael Cook, Crisis Magazine

Death is Not a Right - Chelsea Zimmerman, Ignitum Today

Study Finds Children of Same-Sex Partners Face Difficulties as Adults - Benjamin Mann, Catholic News Agency

The Training of Church Musicians - Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

The Newest Front in the Battle over Marriage - Paul Benjamin Linton, Public Discourse

The Stunning Death Toll of Legal Abortion - Misty, Catholic Sistas

Minnesota Monastery Gone Wild: Priests Urges Vote Against Marriage Amendment - Angela O'Brien, LifeSiteNews

John C. Wrights Conversion from Militant Atheist to Catholic - Joseph Pearce, Saint Austin Review/Ink Desk

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