The Best of Catholic Blogging

The Liturgy's Effect on the Same-Sex "Marriage" Debate and is it OK to be a Good Person and Not attend Mass...

Liturgy’s Effect on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Debate - Louie Verrecchio, Catholic News Agency

...Father Zuhlsdorf comments here...

Being Good or Going to Mass? - Father Dwight Longenecker, Standing on my Head

Don’t Rub Off Your Ashes, Urges Bishop - Anna Arco, Catholic Herald

Shahbaz Bhatti:  Martyr For the Faith - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Moral Threats Of College Life: What are We Doing To Protect Our Young? - Monsignor Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington

If You’re Married and You’re on Facebook, Read This - Patrick Madrid

Oh my Gosh I Am Hardly Sorry for Having Upended Thee - Matthew Archbold, National Catholic Register

The Effectiveness of Natural Family Planning, Subtitled: 99%, Really? - Jake Tawney, Roma locuta est

Libya Is on the Brink. But Meanwhile, Lebanon Is Already Lost - Sandro Magister, Chiesa

Closing the Catholic “Debate” on Same-Sex Marriage - Anthony S. Layne, Outside the Asylum

Abortion and Justice - Christopher Kaczor, The Catholic Thing

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by