Recusant Women, Blessed Junipero Serra, Classical Education, Charity, Distributist Guilds, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Recusant Women - Once I Was A Clever Boy

Should My Confessor and Spiritual Director be the Same Person? - Catholic Spiritual Direction

Apostle of California: Blessed Junipero Serra - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

The 10th, 11th and 12th Stations of the Cross, with Saint Alphonsus - Reginaldus, The New Theological Movement

Embracing a Classical Education - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

Capitalist Monopolies vs. Distributist Guilds - David W. Cooney, The Distributist Review

Politics and the Devil - Archbishop Charles J. Chaput O.F.M. Cap., Public Discourse

Saintly Additions to Revised Roman Missal - Sarah Hayes, The Roman Missal

Punished With Babies? - Kevin Staley-Joyce, First Things/First Thoughts

My Journey Home, Part Two – G. Alex Garver, Passionately Loving the World

Because of Charity - Allison Salerno, Why I Am Catholic

What is the Divine Office? – Anthony S. Layne, The Impractical Catholic

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by