Pope Has 50,000 Twitter Followers, Cloistered for 84 Years, Catholics & America, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Pope’s First Tweet Brings Vatican 50,000 Twitter Followers - Kevin J. Jones, Catholic News Agency

Altar Rail Returning to Use - Joseph Pronechen, The Daily Register

World’s Longest Serving Nun, 103 Year Old Sister Teresita, 84 Years and Counting! - Dylan Parry, A Reluctant Sinner

Catholics and America’s Founding - George J. Marlin, The Catholic Thing

America Independence Must Come to Maturity in Freedom from Sin & Self-Destruction - Father Samuel Medley S.O.L.T., The Medley Minute

Charles Carroll of Carrollton: Without Morals A Republic Cannot Subsist Any Length of Time - Donald R. McClarey

The Work of Unity and Perseverance - Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

Lest We Forget What Pride Actually Is - Marissa K. Nichols, The Theology of Laundry

Indifference to Evangelization, Rebuked - Doctor Jeff Mirus, CatholicCulture.org/In Depth Analysis

Failing Parishes & ‘Ecclesial Communities’: J’Accuse (part I)! - Kate Edwards, Australia Incognita

Christian Thoughts On Private Property: What Ayn Rand Missed - Frank Weathers, Why I Am Catholic

New York State “Gay Marriage” Fallout - ThePulp.it

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