Mystery Behind Fidel Castros Excommunication, Heroic Minute, Distributist Agrarianism, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

The Heroic Minute, Soon After Waking: The First Battle of the Day - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, New Theological Movement

Unlock The Doors Before It Is Too Late - Michael Seagriff, Harvesting The Fruits Of Contemplation

The Mystery of Fidel Castro’s Excommunication - Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa/Vatican Insider

Community Supported Agriculture: A Distributist Agrarianism - Kevin Ford, The Distributist Review

Obama Mandate Awakens The Faithful From Their Slumber - Dave Hartline, The American Catholic

Black Catholics’ Survey Finds Strong Ties in Church - Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

Another Life to Remember - Bonnie Engstrom, Ignitum Today

Sign the Petition Against HHS Regulation - Richard Evans, Catholic Boy Richard

Snow Flurries Delight Visitors to St. Peter’s Square - Catholic Herald

I Am Struggling with Resentment Towards the Church, What Should I Do? - Dan Burke, Catholic Spiritual Direction

The Pope and Beer: 9 Photos to Brighten Your Day - Saint Peter’s List

Vatican II and the Two Ends of Marriage - Howard Kainz, The Catholic Thing

Custom Made Pontifical Sandals - Shawn Tribe, New Liturgical Movement

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