More Universae Ecclesiae, St. Dymphna, St. Isidore, Christ's Holy Image of Edessa, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

On Building the Universae Ecclesiae - Ches, The Sensible Bond

The Ordinary Form & the Extraordinary Form: the Question of Mutual Enrichment - Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say?

Christ’s Holy Image of Edessa - Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

The American Exceptionalism Thing - Robert Royal, The Catholic Thing

Saint Dymphna, Patroness of the Mentally Ill - Lisa Graas

Saint Isidore the Farmer - Theresa Rita, Zeal

Can Catholic Schools Be Saved? - Andy Smarick, Catholic Education Resource Center

The Meaning of Abstinence and Power-Shunning - Father Tim Finigan, The Hermeneutic of Continuity

The Pill: 50 Years of Screwing Up Nature. We Need the FFPA! - Tom Crowe, Catholic Vote

Defending Personhood: Genetic Determinism - Stacy Trasancos, Accepting Abundance

The Landscape of Modern Anglicanism & the Ordinariate - Kenneth Robinson, Ars Orandi

Archbishop’s Nightmare: The Vaughan Parents Carry on the Fight! - Richard Collins, Linen on the Hedgerow

For a round-up on the latest news & punditry on the Universæ Ecclesiæ click here, here. or here.

This will be a continuing series from Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register.  This will be very similar to what you see on