Catholic Women Need Thick Skin Online, Grace and Technology, Movies Sound Cooler in Latin, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Catholic Women Need Thick Skins Online - Caroline Farrow, Catholic Herald

Grace and Technology: The USCCB’s Uber-Tweeter - Kathy Schiffer, Seasons of Grace

Movies Sound Cooler In Latin - LarryD, Acts of the Apostasy

Saint Martin of Tours and the Search for Holiness - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

Le Chiese delle Cittá: Santa Maria della Salute - Nathaniel Gotcher,

Thinking Critically About Mary - Philip Primeau, Catholic Lane

Distributism’s Fixed, False Beliefs - John Couretas, Acton Institute/PowerBlog

Christians in the Middle East - Joseph Bottum, Hudson New York

Africa Reminds Us that We should Pray Facing the East, Ad Orientem - Dylan Parry, A Reluctant Sinner

The Pornography Pandemic: Catholics Falling Down - Patrick A. Trueman, Knights of Columbus

In the Matter of Bishop Robert Finn - Austin Ruse, The Catholic Thing

Bp. Finn Agreement Seems to Indicate Prosecution’s Weak Case - Kevin J. Jones, Catholic News Agency

Fr. Zuhlsdorf Fisks the Kansas City Stat’s Article on Bp. Finn Deal - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?

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