Bishop Tobin on Decline of Catholicism, Archbishop Wenski, National Atheist Day, and much more...

The Best in Catholic Blogging

The Sky is Falling! Really? - Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Rhode Island Catholic/Without a Doubt

A Thorp in Wenski’s Side: Defending the Archbishop of Miami - Eric Giunta, RenewAmerica

National Atheist Day - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Gender Silliness and the Intersexed - Anthony S. Layne, Outside the Asylum

Varia: Coon’s Sanctions, Ferraro’s Funeral, and Father Corapi’s Case - Doctor Ed Peters, In the Light of the Law

Fake Julia? Social & Cultural Traditionalism and Not-Quite-Boomer Generation - Kate Edwards, Australia Incognita

Faculty Profile: David Hughes - Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

The Future of (Catholic) Law Schools & Catholic Legal Theory - Father Robert John Araujo S.J., Mirror of Justice

Come, Let Us Reason - Francis J. Beckwith, The Catholic Thing

Secret Vatican Document on the Last Things *Revealed*! - Jimmy Akin, Ntnl Cthlc Register

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by

Miniature from a 13th-century Passio Sancti Georgii (Verona).

St. George: A Saint to Slay Today’s Dragons

COMMENTARY: Even though we don’t know what the historical George was really like, what we are left with nevertheless teaches us that divine grace can make us saints and that heroes are very much not dead or a thing of history.